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The increasing demand for Kubernetes (K8s), an open-source container orchestration system, has led to a shortage of skilled professionals in the field. Organisations are struggling to find individuals with the necessary expertise to effectively manage and deploy containerised workloads using Kubernetes. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the skills shortage and discuss potential strategies to overcome it.

The Skills Shortage in Kubernetes

The shortage of skills in the area of Kubernetes can be attributed to several factors.

Firstly, the rapid growth and adoption of Kubernetes have outpaced the availability of trained professionals. Many developers and operations teams are still new to the technology and need time to acquire the knowledge and skills required for effective implementation.

Additionally, the complexity of Kubernetes poses a significant challenge, requiring expertise in various components, such as pods, cloud operations, infrastructure nuances, and resource management.  Managing tasks like scheduling, scaling, and networking adds further complexity. A single misconfiguration or misstep in any of these areas can have far-reaching consequences, leading to issues such as scalability problems, compromised reliability, and even security vulnerabilities.

The most recent version of Kubernetes (1.27) amusingly named ‘Chill Vibes’ includes 60 advancements, 12 of which are moving to Stable, 29 are existing functionalities that will improve, 18 are completely new and 1 is deprecated. For an in-depth overview about what this all means, watch this ‘What’s in it for me’ video from Guy Menahem here.  Despite this being great news for improving the performance, security and observability of containerised applications, the evolving nature of the Kubernetes ecosystem and the continuous introduction of new tools and add-ons make it difficult for professionals to keep up with the latest advancements.

Strategies to Bridge the Kubernetes Skills Gap

Training and Education Programs:

Investing in training and education programs can help address the skills shortage in Kubernetes. Organisations can provide resources for their employees to learn Kubernetes through online courses, workshops, and certifications. Additionally, partnering with educational institutions and industry experts to develop specialized Kubernetes training programs can help bridge the skills gap.

According to, one of the best courses to learn Docker and Kubernetes from scratch is Docker & Kubernetes: The Practical Guide by Maxmillian Schwarzmuller of Acadmind.

Collaboration with the Community:

Engaging with the Kubernetes community can provide valuable resources and support for skill development. Participating in forums, attending meetups, and contributing to open-source projects can enhance knowledge-sharing and collaboration among professionals. The community can offer mentorship, guidance, and real-world experiences that contribute to the growth of Kubernetes skills.  If you are experiencing a problem, it is more than likely that your peers have too.

Collaboration between Departments:

To effectively address the skills shortage, collaboration between departments within an organization is crucial. Developers, operations teams, and IT departments should work together to share knowledge, define roles and responsibilities, and foster a culture of continuous learning. Cross-training initiatives can help employees acquire Kubernetes skills and broaden their understanding of the technology.

Leveraging Automation and Algorithms:

Implementing automation frameworks is crucial for efficient task execution and reducing company risk. It is often more advantageous to purchase pre-built automation frameworks rather than developing them internally.

Teams should thoroughly evaluate and consider off-the-shelf options before deciding to build their own frameworks. Leveraging automation and algorithms, particularly using AI and ML technologies, can address the skills shortage in Kubernetes.

By automating various Kubernetes operations, organizations can alleviate the workload on human resources. Automation simplifies tasks such as deployment, scaling, monitoring, and troubleshooting, enabling less experienced professionals to effectively manage Kubernetes environments.

AI-powered Assistance:

Innovative solutions like AI-powered assistance, such as ChatGPT, can provide on-demand support for Kubernetes-related queries and challenges. AI models like ChatGPT can offer guidance, troubleshooting tips, and best practices to individuals who are new to Kubernetes or facing specific difficulties.

An article by Dev Nag (CEO and Founder of CtrlStack) called “Overcoming the Kubernetes Skills Gap with ChatGPT Assistance” describes the usefulness of Kubernetes consulting tools like PromptOps.  These allow users to ask questions relating to Kubernetes deployments and provides immediate answers in the form of BASH scripts, documentation references and other resources.  By aggregating data from various sources and offering visualisations, PromptOps simplifies Kubernetes infrastructure management and facilitates learning.

Furthermore, tools such as Qovery can help scale your DevOps needs without going through the complexities typically associated with these processes.  It acts as an abstraction layer so that engineering teams don’t have to think about deployment.  Their flagship product simplifies Kubernetes infrastructure management by abstracting away the complexities and providing a user-friendly interface.  Read more about how to use Qovery for Kubernetes here.

These AI-powered tools can act as virtual mentors and managers, accelerating the learning process and assisting professionals in overcoming hurdles – so they can focus on what they do best – code!



The skills shortage in the area of Kubernetes poses a significant challenge for organisations seeking to leverage containerization and scale their applications efficiently. By investing in training programs, collaborating with the community, leveraging automation and algorithms, promoting cross-departmental collaboration, and utilizing AI-powered tools and assistance, organisations can overcome the skills shortage and build a proficient Kubernetes workforce. Empowering professionals with the necessary skills will enable organisations to fully harness the benefits of Kubernetes and successfully navigate the complexities of modern application deployment and management.

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Louise Ogilvy