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Essential Advice for DevTool Companies Seeking Series A Funding:


Raising Series A funding is a crucial milestone for Developer Tool (DevTool) startups.  It enables them to fuel growth, expand their customer base, and solidify their position in the market.  In today’s market downturn it is more challenging, but is still very much possible.

This blog post was inspired by an article from former Atlassian PM and now Principal Investor at Bain Capital Ventures, Rak Garg [1].  Drawing on key takeaways from Garg’s article and further industry insights, we’ll explore key considerations, strategies, and best practices to maximise your chances of securing funding.

Know When to Raise Series A:

To effectively raise Series A capital for your DevTool startup, it is recommended to start the process 6-8 months before fully deploying the funds from your Seed round. This timeframe allows for pitching to existing and potential investors, showcasing your startup’s traction and trajectory.

Keep in mind that the due diligence process during Series A funding is more extensive, often lasting 4-6 weeks with each investor. Building relationships with investors early on is crucial to minimise the due diligence timeline.

Regular communication through monthly updates and ensuring investors are familiar with your business fundamentals and progress is your responsibility as a founder. It’s important not to delay investor conversations until you have less than four months of runway to secure funding, as the livelihood of your employees and their families depends on it.

Understand the Investor Landscape:

Recognise the evolving investor sentiment towards developer tools. Investors now appreciate the value and importance of these tools in the modern tech landscape (it hasn’t always been this way). The increasing reliance on developers and the web has led to significant investments in cloud and web architecture startups, highlighting the growing opportunities for devtool companies [2].

Stay informed about investor trends, funding rounds, and notable success stories in the dev-tool space to better position your company for Series A funding.

Demonstrate Product Market Fit:

To attract investors, showcase evidence of product-market fit. Highlight how your devtool product solves a real pain point for developers, boosts productivity, and enables efficient collaboration. Provide metrics that demonstrate traction, such as user growth, revenue, and quality of usage. Investors want to see that your product is gaining meaningful adoption and delivering tangible value to its users.

Showcase User Growth and Large Market Preparation:

“The most important metric VCs want to see is non-linear organic growth in your product’s user base, including usage expansion within specific teams” advises Garg.  Whether it’s through downloads, OSS contributions, community signups or cloud customers (to name a through) show VCs the early traction you’re making with users and how you see it expanding.

Investors want evidence that your product or service resonates with customers and has gained traction in the market. Startups can provide metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that demonstrate user engagement, customer acquisition, revenue growth, and retention rates. This data can validate your value proposition and show your ability to capture and cope with large markets.

Cultivate Community Engagement:

An area we are seeing develop exponentially is Developer Relations (or DevRel).  Invest in Developer Relations show how you reach out and engage with the community of users and potential users.

Cultivate a strong community around your software platform. Engaged developers can significantly enhance your go-to-market efficiency. Share product content on platforms like Product Hunt, Hacker News, Twitter, and relevant blogs. Showcase growth trends in weekly active users, total users, and messages sent on platforms like Slack or Discord.

Revenue Potential – Quality over Amount:

While the amount of revenue isn’t as crucial, the quality of revenue matters. Investors view current revenue as a leading indicator of future revenue potential. Avoid sacrificing free user growth for low-quality revenue. Instead, focus on generating high-quality revenue directly from your customer base in exchange for product usage. You can also demonstrate willingness to pay through qualitative evidence from developers, such as letters of intent for future conversion.

Last but Not Least Craft A Great Story:

A strong fundraising initiative is based on three criteria: deep relationships, data and storytelling.

Crafting a compelling Series A story is as crucial as demonstrating metrics according to Rak Garg. Start by highlighting specific market trends that necessitate your product’s existence. Explain why your team is uniquely equipped to solve the problem based on firsthand experience or expertise. Walk investors through how your product works, its market performance, and the milestones that Series A funding will help achieve. Paint an exciting vision of the future that captures the potential value to customers.


Raising a successful Series A for your DevTool company requires collecting the right evidence and presenting it in a clear, concise, and compelling way. Demonstrate user growth, revenue potential, quality of usage, engaged community metrics, and an engaging story. By doing so, you’ll instil confidence in investors that your product is poised for success, with or without their involvement. Good luck with your fundraising journey!







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Louise Ogilvy