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I want to address a common topic that I hear often comes up: the cost of developer tools.  Whilst there are many great “free” tools out there, some of the better ones might cost you $20 to $100 a month (depending on various factors).  Sure, that might seem steep – if you’re thinking like a consumer.  But developers need to shift their perspective to the business side when discussing the possibility of bringing on new tools with management.

So let’s start off with crunching some numbers.  Say you’re a software engineer in the US earning $100,000 a year.

If you’re working full time, that’s around 180 hours a month, which translates to approx. $43 an hour.  This doesn’t even account for overhead costs like office space, HR, benefits and other costs.

Even a pricey tool like IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate (circa $50 a month/user depending on package) pays for itself if it saves just 2 hours a month – or about 6 minutes a day.  That’s a pretty low bar for any decent devtool to clear.  And most tools save way more time than that.

They’re not just about saving time, though. They make your life easier, reduce errors, and help you produce better code (making you a happier developer that’s more like to stick around). It’s a no-brainer.

So, why do we still see developers and managers hemming and hawing over tool costs? It’s a mix of things:

  1. The “not invented here” syndrome.  Developers love solving problems, sometimes to their detriment.
  2. Undervaluing their own time. Developers will spend hours wrestling with subpar tools to save a few bucks.
  3. Fear of asking. Especially among junior devs, there’s a reluctance to request “expensive” tools.

So if you are a developer who has plucked the courage to ask a manager to fork over the cash for a new tool, just show them the maths.  Estimate the time the tool will save, then cut that estimate in half to account for setup, onboarding, and other hidden costs.  Compare this adjusted time savings to the tool’s cost.  If the numbers don’t work out, don’t suggest the tool. But in most cases, they will!

Most (good) managers will love it if a member of the team approaches them with a way to boost efficiency.  It shows initiative and a concern for the company’s bottom line.

So, how do you approach your manager about a new tool? Simple:

  1. Do the math. Quantify your pain and estimate how much time is wasted using the current process and how much time the tool will save you. Be conservative – halve your estimate to account for setup time and other factors.
  2. Compare the cost of your time to the cost of the tool.
  3. Present your findings clearly and concisely.

Remember, though, sometimes there are other factors at play. Security concerns, budget allocation issues, or company policies might still result in a “no.” Don’t take it personally.

At the end of the day, remember this: your time as a developer is valuable. Don’t handicap yourself with subpar tools. Push for what you need to do your job efficiently.

And managers, listen up: investing in good tools isn’t an expense – it’s an investment in your team’s productivity and job satisfaction. Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish.

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Louise Ogilvy