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An engineering management intelligence platform can be incredibly beneficial for organizations that rely heavily on engineering teams to drive their business initiatives. Here are a few reasons why such a platform might be necessary:

  • Visibility into engineering work: Engineering teams often work on complex projects with multiple moving parts, making it challenging for managers to understand what’s happening at any given moment. An engineering management intelligence platform can provide real-time visibility into engineering work, making it easier for managers to identify issues, track progress, and make informed decisions.


  • Alignment with business initiatives: Engineering work should always be aligned with business goals and initiatives. An engineering management intelligence platform can help leaders ensure that their engineering teams are working on the right projects and that those projects are delivering the expected outcomes.


  • Insight into DORA metrics: DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) metrics are a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure the effectiveness of software delivery and operations. An engineering management intelligence platform can provide insight into these metrics, helping leaders understand how their engineering teams are performing and where improvements can be made.


  • SPACE framework: The SPACE (Software Product Assessment and Continuous Enhancement) framework is a model for evaluating software product quality. An engineering management intelligence platform can help teams assess their software products using the SPACE framework, making it easier to identify areas for improvement and prioritize initiatives that will have the greatest impact.

Here are our top 5 innovators in the Engineering Management Intelligence space:


In summary, an engineering management intelligence platform can help organizations ensure that their engineering teams are working effectively and efficiently, delivering high-quality software products that are aligned with business goals and initiatives. By providing real-time visibility, DORA metric insights, and SPACE framework evaluations, such a platform can help engineering leaders make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.